As part of my craft space makeover, I wanted to update my Ikea Skadis containers for my Skadis Pegboard.

Originally purchased for my son’s room but never used, the Skadis board has sat unloved on the wall behind my desk for a while.

My Ikea Skadis in its previous state before the makeover.

So unloved was it, that this is the best ‘before’ picture I have.

I think the main problem was that I could reach it very well and so used it to store unused items. Staples and drawing pins have their place, but that place is in my drawer, not on display on a board.

I looked online, envious at the beautiful ways people had used their boards and decided mine needed a makeover.

My initial thought was to paint the board with bright colours. That plan was scrapped when I realised we were still on lockdown and the paint shops were closed. It may be something I reconsider in the future, but now I have swapped it around I do like the white.

The napkins used to update my skadis containers. A navy blue and white striped napkin with pinks flamingos and a light blue and white striped napkin with toucans.

The Skadis Containers

The containers I liked, but I didn’t love them. I liked the colours but prefer patterns to plain colours.

I had these napkins in a box that I had been trying to find a use for. I loved the design just wanted the right thing to show it off.

The colours were perfect. I knew that once they were covered in PVA the white would go clear and show the colour of the Skadis containers underneath.


The Sticky Bit

The napkins were 2 ply so the first step was to remove the second layer, which was plain white, so I just had the picture left.

The back of the container wasn’t being covered, as it had the hooks to attach to the board. I cut the napkins down to size and worked one side at a time glueing them on.

I used PVA glue to attach them, spreading it on as thinly as I could. They don’t need much glue to stick to the Skadis containers and may tear if they get too wet.

I carefully smoothed the napkins down as much as I could. It didn’t matter if there were some small creases, now they are dry I can’t see them.

Once all the sides were stuck down and had dried a little, I started to put the top coat of glue on. 

I added a layer of glue mix over each of the Skadis Containers. The second layer was added a few hours later and then they were left to dry overnight.

There is a special decoupage sealer available for this purpose, but I tend to forgo this. I create a watered-down PVA glue at home, using 1 cup PVA and 1/3 cup of water. It seems to work well and I have saved myself some pennies.

An Ikea Skadis contaner with flamingo Napkin. Applying PVA glue to seal.

Filing Down The Skadis Containers

The next morning, when the containers were completely dry, all that was left to do was remove the excess napkin from the edges.

I could have cut this off, but the look is never 100% straight or smooth when cutting. Instead, I prefer to file off the edge.

If I am working on a large project, such as a piece of furniture, I use a sanding block or piece of sandpaper. For small projects, like the Skadis containers, I use a nail file.

I keep a stash of emery boards in my draw, i think they were about 99p for 50. They are the perfect size and exactly the right grit to sand off the napkins. It produces a smooth edge with no cut line on the container.


The Finished Skadis Containers

Finished Skadis peg board back on the wall after makeover.

All that was left was to attach the new containers back to the Skadis board. I added some brightly coloured scissors I needed to store and some buttons to the clear containers.

My Skadis pegboard now looks much brighter and take pride of place next to my desk where I can reach it easily. 

You can read about other changes I have made to my craft and office space on the below blog posts.

All Things Handmade – Craft and Office Space Makeover

All Things Handmade – DIY Pretty Whiteboard From A Photo Frame

Or watch the videos on our YouTube channel.

All Things Handmade YouTube Channel

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